Secure Document Shredding in Manchester

Up to 20% of your employees' time can be wasted on shredding your confidential documents in-house. Let them work on your business, and let us take care of the time-consuming task of shredding your confidential waste.

We offer three solutions for your business to dispose of your documents:

Shredding doesn't have to be messy and time consuming

Office shredding machines are time consuming and take up space in your office. They're also noisy - and most shredders sold for offices don't securely shred your paper, they just cut it into strips, which can be reassembled by someone who happens to have the resulting paper from the shredder.

When it comes time to empty them or clearing a jam, well, they can get a little messy.

Keep compliant with document retention rules & save money

By shredding the documents you're no longer required to store, you are saving money and staying compliant with data protection, GDPR and retention rules. You'll also help protect your business, employees and customers from identity fraud, a rising concern today.

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Affordable shredding prices

Our prices for shredding are affordable - and the more you shred, the more you save! Please view our shredding prices for more information.

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How may we help with your shredding needs?

There's no minimum amount or charge to shred with us. Our experts can help you with your shredding needs, just contact us or call us at 0161 888 3398 and let us help with your shredding requirements. 

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