On-demand Shredding Service in Manchester

A regularly scheduled collection of your documents to be shredded doesn't suit all businesses. Some businesses need to securely dispose of their documents after a special project. Others clear out their documents on a quarterly, bi-annually or annual basis, and simply require shredding service during these periods.

You can load your own bags or boxes with your confidential waste to be shredded, you don't need our bags. No need to remove cardboard binders or clips and staples, they're removed as part of the shredding process.

A typical size archive box or black bin bag holds roughly the same amount as one of our shredding bags.

You can bring your documents to be shredded to our warehouse, conveniently located in Trafford Park, near the M60 and the Trafford Centre. Or, if you prefer, we can pick up your shredding for an additional charge. The choice is yours.

Certificate of Destruction for your shredded documents

Just because we offer our secure shredding services at prices that represent value for money doesn't mean we skimp on security or service. We provide a certificate of destruction for all documents shredded with us.

Save money with our document shredding service

When you shred with BCL Archive & Shredding Services, you only pay for what you shred. We don't have a minimum amount you need to shred or a minimum charge for shredding. We think it is good value for money - and believe you will, too. View our prices for shredding.

Affordable solutions for secure shredding - how may we help?

Contact us or call us at 0161 888 3398 for more information on our affordable secure on-demand shredding service in Greater Manchester.

Call Us:  0161 888 3398Or Call me back

How may we help with your shredding needs?

There's no minimum amount or charge to shred with us. Our experts can help you with your shredding needs, just contact us or call us at 0161 888 3398 and let us help with your shredding requirements. 

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